Sunday, February 12, 2012

Comments about Greeks protesting and looting in anger about government spending cuts. Greeks Pessimistic in Anti-Austerity Protests -

This is what happens when we fail to teach our children some basics Laws of economics. The Greeks are destroying the very places that can save them and employ them! What a bunch of thug loser low lifes! The country is broke and has to cut subsidies and they go crazy, looting businesses, the very source of ANY money to begin with! Then they want to literally kill the members of parliament for doing what they had to do. And they had to do it only because of the dumb liars in parliament who, for the last thirty years, continued the lie that they could give the people everything they needed, without having any money to pay for it! I think this parliament finally deserves recognition for doing what has to be done.

Why don't people learn from all the failed attempts at socialism? It won't work because it can't work. Saint Therese, a doctor of the Church, taught us that without love any task is meaningless.

There is no love in socialism.

One can call a family a small socialist group and it works ONLY because of love. Love is tender and tough, but always seeks the good, the betterment of every individual. Saint Paul taught us how to love our brothers, including a requirement that able men work and not get handouts for nothing. Governments shouldn't be trying to alter God's plan for men. Putting free-loading men outside of the community was a very effective means of removing the sin they were trapped in. Spiritual therapy and tough love are synonymous and socialist governments remove the therapy, the very tool that God taught us to use. Socialism prevents men from becoming all that God wants them to be.

If we don't teach all of our youth, they will end up like these Greek losers. Let us pray and fast for them to mature into men for God.