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Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI advice to Parents and role of Christian Family
Inspiring message from Pope Benedict XVI on the happiness that comes from Jesus even when suffering, directed to the youth but really for everyone
Pope Benedict XVI, June 4, 2011:
Jesus speaks to you today, through the Gospel and his Holy Spirit. He is your contemporary! He seeks you even before you seek him! While fully respecting your freedom, he approaches each one of you and offers himself as the authentic and decisive response to the longing deep within your hearts, to your desire for a life worth living. Let him take you by the hand! Let him become more and more your friend and companion along life's journey. Put your trust in him and he will never disappoint you!".
"Jesus enables you to know at first hand the love of God the Father; he helps you realize that your happiness comes from his friendship, from fellowship with him. Why? Because we have been created and saved by love, and it is only in love, the love which desires and seeks the good of others, that we truly experience the meaning of life and find happiness in living it, even amid difficulties, trials and disappointments, even when it means swimming against the tide".
Benedict XVI emphasized that "Jesus is not a Teacher who deceives his disciples: he tells us clearly that walking by his side calls for commitment and personal sacrifice, but it is worth the effort". In this sense he encouraged the youth to not let themselves "be led astray by enticing promises of easy success, by lifestyles which regard appearances as more important than inner depth. Do not yield to the temptation of putting all your trust in possessions, in material things, while abandoning the search for the truth which is always "greater", which guides us like a star high in the heavens to where Christ would lead us. Let it guide you to the very heights of God!"
Pope Benedict XVI on importance of forming conscience
Pope Benedict XVI on conscience and its role in societal success or failure:
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI on humanism
Monday, June 6, 2011
Fr. Damien Lim: From paganism to Catholic Priest--Opus Dei Video
Recently ordained, Fr. Damien grew up in Singapore in a traditional Chinese family. In this video, he talks about how he discovered the "living God" of Catholicism.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Illinois Civil Union Law causes Catholic Diocese to end all state-funded adoption, foster services
When people say that gay or civil unions don't affect you, they just haven't thought about it very much. It affects lots of lives in various ways.