"The free exchange of consent properly witnessed by the Church establishes the marriage bond. Sexual union consummates it – seals it, completes it, perfects it. Sexual union, then, is where the words of the wedding vows become flesh."
- Christopher West
"Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation."
- St. Augustine
Imitation of Christ
1.6 Unbridled Affections
WHEN a man desires a thing too much, he at once becomes ill at ease. A proud and avaricious man never rests, whereas he who is poor and humble of heart lives in a world of peace. An unmortified man is quickly tempted and overcome in small, trifling evils; his spirit is weak, in a measure carnal and inclined to sensual things; he can hardly abstain from earthly desires. Hence it makes him sad to forego them; he is quick to anger if reproved. Yet if he satisfies his desires, remorse of conscience overwhelms him because he followed his passions and they did not lead to the peace he sought.
True peace of heart, then, is found in resisting passions, not in satisfying them. There is no peace in the carnal man, in the man given to vain attractions, but there is peace in the fervent and spiritual man.
'In temptations of the flesh, a Christian ought to have immediate recourse to God, make the sign of the cross over his heart three times, and say, "Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me."'
St. Philip Neri
'How beautiful is a pure soul! Our Lord showed one to St. Catherine; she thought it so beautiful that she said, "O Lord, if I did not know that there is only one God, I should think it was one." The image of God is reflected in a pure soul, like the sun in the water. A pure soul is the admiration of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. The Father contemplates His work: There is My creature! . . . The Son, the price of His Blood: the beauty of an object is shown by the price it has cost. . . The Holy Spirit dwells in it, as in a temple.'
--St. Jean Marie Baptiste Vianney, the Cure of Ars
'St. Peter Damian says that the altar of God receives no other fire than that of divine love. Hence he that dares to ascend the altar inflamed by the fire of impurity is consumed by the fire of divine vengeance.'
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
Only the chaste man and the chaste woman are capable of true love."
- Pope John Paul II
"The Church's basic moral principle regarding reproductive technologies is this: if a given technology assists the marital embrace in achieving its natural end, it can be morally acceptable, even praiseworthy. However, if it replaces the marital embrace as the means by which the child is conceived, it's not in keeping with God's design."
- Christopher West
'In the choice of a state of life, if we wish to secure our eternal salvation, we must embrace that state to which God calls us, in which only God prepares for us the efficacious means necessary to salvation.'
--St. Alphonsus Maria de
'The spiritual masters point out many remedies for the vice of impurity; but the principal and the most necessary are the flight of occasions, and prayer. As to the first means, St. Philip Neri used to say that in this warfare cowards, that is, they that avoid dangerous occasions, gain the victory. Let a man use all other possible means, unless he flies away he is lost. He that loveth danger shall perish in it.
As to the second means, it is necessary to know that we have not strength to resist temptations of the flesh. This strength must be the gift of God. But God grants it to those only that pray and ask for it. The only defence against this temptation, says St. Gregory of Nyssa, is prayer.'
--St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
'If you have loved virginity, you will be favored by the Lord in all things.'
--St. Ephrem of Syria
"Marriage is a living sign that truly communicates the love of Christ and the Church."
- Christopher West
'Possess purity in an eminent degree, and jealously preserve this fragrant flower. I earnestly desire to see you shine by the brilliancy of this virtue; be like to angels, and omit no precaution to retain this treasure, which is so easily lost by imprudence. We have this treasure in earthen vessels, says the Apostle. (2 Cor. x. 5.)'
--St. Paul of the Cross
How to Conquer Temptations:
1. Think of the presence of God.
2. Fight without fear.
3. Avoid occasions of sin. (Don't go to places that make it easy to sin).
4. Guard the senses.
5. Avoid idleness.
6. Remove temptation promptly.
7. Remove oneself from all--especially particular friendships
8. Practice the spirit of mortification
9. Reveal all temptations to your confessor.
How to preserve virtue:
1. Humility
2. Spirit of Prayer
3. Modesty
4. Fidelity to the Rule
5. Sincere devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary