Sunday, February 12, 2012

Comments about Greeks protesting and looting in anger about government spending cuts. Greeks Pessimistic in Anti-Austerity Protests -

This is what happens when we fail to teach our children some basics Laws of economics. The Greeks are destroying the very places that can save them and employ them! What a bunch of thug loser low lifes! The country is broke and has to cut subsidies and they go crazy, looting businesses, the very source of ANY money to begin with! Then they want to literally kill the members of parliament for doing what they had to do. And they had to do it only because of the dumb liars in parliament who, for the last thirty years, continued the lie that they could give the people everything they needed, without having any money to pay for it! I think this parliament finally deserves recognition for doing what has to be done.

Why don't people learn from all the failed attempts at socialism? It won't work because it can't work. Saint Therese, a doctor of the Church, taught us that without love any task is meaningless.

There is no love in socialism.

One can call a family a small socialist group and it works ONLY because of love. Love is tender and tough, but always seeks the good, the betterment of every individual. Saint Paul taught us how to love our brothers, including a requirement that able men work and not get handouts for nothing. Governments shouldn't be trying to alter God's plan for men. Putting free-loading men outside of the community was a very effective means of removing the sin they were trapped in. Spiritual therapy and tough love are synonymous and socialist governments remove the therapy, the very tool that God taught us to use. Socialism prevents men from becoming all that God wants them to be.

If we don't teach all of our youth, they will end up like these Greek losers. Let us pray and fast for them to mature into men for God.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pope Benedict prayer & quote on the Eucharist, sacrifices

Let us ask the Lord that, after due preparation also with the Sacrament of Penance, our participation in the Eucharist, which is indispensable for Christian life, may always remain the apex of all our prayers", the Pope concluded. "Let us ask that, profoundly united in His offering to the Father, we too can transform our crosses into a free and responsible sacrifice of love, for God and for our fellows". 11 Jan 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI, Blessed John Paul II, and Vatican II on Ecumenism

Ecumenism, as defined by Vatican Council II and Blessed John Paul II, is "the responsibility of the entire Church and of all the baptised, who must augment the partial communion that already exists among Christians until achieving full communion in truth and charity. Praying for unity ... must then be an integral part of the prayer life of all Christians, in all times and places, especially when people from different traditions come together to work for victory in Christ over sin, evil, injustice and the violation of human dignity".

Benedict XVI also pointed out that "lack of unity among Christians hinders the effective announcement of the Gospel and endangers our credibility", but noted that, "as far as the fundamental truths of the faith are concerned, there is far more that unites us than divides us. ... This is a great challenge for the new evangelisation, which will be more fruitful if all Christians together announce the truth of the Gospel and Jesus Christ, and give a joint response to the spiritual thirst of our times". 1-18-2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI quote on God's restless Heart--our hearts are restless and so is God's for us

"Our heart is restless for God and remains so, even if every effort is made today, by means of most effective anaesthetising methods, to deliver people from this unrest. But not only are we restless for God: God's heart is restless for us. God is waiting for us. He is looking for us. He knows no rest either, until He finds us. ... That is why He set out on the path towards us, to Bethlehem, to Calvary, from Jerusalem to Galilee and on to the very ends of the earth. God ... looks out for people willing to 'catch' His unrest, His passion for us, people who carry within them the searching of their own hearts. ... This was the task of the Apostles: to receive God's unrest for man and then to bring God Himself to man. And this is your task as successors of the Apostles".
--Pope Benedict XVI, in a homily on the Feast of the Epiphany, Jan 6, 2012

Monday, December 19, 2011

BBC News - Bangladeshi woman's husband 'chopped off her fingers'

Please pray for all women who are abused everywhere! This is an outrage! Pray for men to man up and defend their wives, to protect them, not mutilate them!