Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cardinal Bertone on Catholic Education vs secular education

  In his homily Cardinal Bertone highlighted the present-day validity of the new blessed's educational ideas, which remind us of the vital need for schools in which the religious dimension "can be revealed in all its positive potential for full human development. This aspect is also very important for our time", he said. "Too often it seems that people are afraid to leave space for the religious dimension of life, which is inherent to the human heart, and would like to hide it in the private world of the individual. Such an attitude greatly impoverishes educational activity".

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just want to inform you, there are free saints' books available here:

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    Books written by St Anthony Mary Claret, St Faustina, St John of the Cross, Sacred Music from the Vatican, and others.

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    Merry Christmas!
